Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pertandingan Seni dan Kecantikan Serama

Pemahaman terhadap seekor serama bagus bukan cuma soal ayam itu aktif bergaya diatas meja dengan kepala tekuk sampai jauh kebelakang saja tetapi lebih daripada itu, karena masih ada 8 item lagi yang harus dinilai secara benar dan tepat setelah Gaya. Itu sebabnya dimalaysia disebut Pertandingan Seni dan Kecantikan Serama. Jadi titik beratnya ada dikeindahan seekor serama. Indah ketika dia bergaya seperti berjalan, berkepak, berkokok, ketika mengangkat dada dan menarik kepala. Cantik dalam artian semuanya serasi dan proposional sesuai dengan kaidahnya. dari mulai susunan jengger, warna bulu, kerapihan bulu, susunan ekor, sampai keadaan kaki sempurna tidak? Seni bagaimana menata bulu, merapikan jengger serta ekor

Monday, March 4, 2013

Visit Emil Asenov from Bulgaria to NSF63 Tjibitoeng

 Emil Asenov during a visit to my home (NSF63 Tjibitoeng)

 Prepared to contest serama Amin JKT Cup

Emil Asenov the jockey BG

Me, Emil Asenov and Edy Yuwono President RSK from Kediri

Me with Emil Asenov from Bulagria, Amin JKT, Lebai from Malaysia

My daugther with Emil Asenov

 Me, Untung Suprianto and Emil Asenov

Emil Asenov preparing return to Bulgaria (Soekarno - Hatta airport)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My mind

A true breeder, will be different mindset with a merchant or a journalist. Moreover, the animal lover, all would have patterns of thinking and a different perspective and possibly contradictory. A breeder should know when he's throwing the best results and save, a trader knows this just so the money and not have to think quality or not even have to fool others, a journalist who see and do whatever someone will be news according to his wishes, a compassionate saw this beast is cruel. Now you stand where? options available to you.
And when the game was over a dealer will change its merchandise, a journalist will change the story, but will stick with the hobby breeders and stick with creativity

Suhu & Kelembaban

Salah satu kendala utama seorang peternak indoors adalah suhu dan kelembaban, dimana kedua faktor ini sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan d...